Blog Archive

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Projects › Projecting future changes in the Gulf Stream warm-core rings and their impacts on the Northeast U.S. Large Marine Ecosystem in a changing climate using regional MOM6 simulations
The ability to anticipate Gulf Stream warm-core ring changes and their impacts on the Northeast U.S. Large Marine Ecosystem responding to a changing climate has high scientific and socioeconomic value. Read More ›

Projects › Skillful multiyear prediction of marine habitat shifts jointly constrained by ocean temperature and dissolved oxygen
The ability to anticipate marine habitat shifts responding to climate variability has high scientific and socioeconomic value. Read More ›

Projects › Seasonal Prediction of Bottom Temperature on the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf
The Northeast U.S. shelf (NES) is an oceanographically dynamic marine ecosystem and supports some of the most valuable demersal fisheries in the world. A reliable prediction of NES environmental variables, particularly ocean bottom temperature, could lead to a significant improvement in demersal fisheries management. Read More ›

Projects › Interannual Variability of the Mid-Atlantic Bight Cold Pool
The Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB) Cold Pool is a bottom-trapped, cold (temperature below 10°C) and fresh (practical salinity below 34) water mass that is isolated from the surface by the seasonal thermocline and is located over the midshelf and outer shelf of the MAB. Read More ›

Projects › Long-term SST Trends over the Northwest Atlantic Shelf & Slope
The meridional coherence, connectivity, and regional inhomogeneity in long-term sea surface temperature (SST) variability over the Northwest Atlantic continental shelf and slope from 1982–2018 are investigated using observational data sets. Read More ›

Projects › Seasonal Variability of the Mid-Atlantic Bight Cold Pool
The Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB) Cold Pool is a distinctive cold (lower than 10 °C) and relatively fresh (lower than 34 practical salinity unit) water mass. It is located over the middle and outer shelf of the MAB, below the seasonal thermocline, and is attached to the bottom. Read More ›